Basic Drone Making Using Aurdino


Elevate Your Dreams: The Thrill of Drone-Making

Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered what it would be like to explore the world from above? Do you find yourself captivated by the seamless flight of birds or the breathtaking aerial shots in your favorite films? If the answer is a resounding "yes," then you're in for an electrifying adventure.

Why We Chose This Project

At AeroVoyagers, we believe in turning dreams into reality. We've chosen the world of drone-making because it encapsulates the perfect blend of technology, innovation, and sheer excitement. Here's why this project has our hearts racing:

🚁 Unleashing Creativity: Drones have revolutionized how we perceive and capture the world around us. From stunning landscape photography to delivering life-saving supplies in remote areas, drones have opened up a realm of possibilities limited only by our imagination.

🛠️ Hands-On Learning: There's something inherently satisfying about building a complex machine with your own two hands. This project isn't just about flying drones; it's about understanding every nut, bolt, and line of code that goes into making them soar.

🌐 Technology at Your Fingertips: In a world driven by technology, the ability to construct and control a flying robot is nothing short of magical. We're excited to delve into the intricacies of drone technology, from GPS navigation to stabilizing gyroscopes.

🌍 Exploring New Horizons: Drones aren't confined by borders or boundaries. They can explore the uncharted, map the unmapped, and reach places humans can't. Our project promises to take you on a journey of exploration and adventure.

The Excitement Behind This Project

The excitement that fuels our endeavor is infectious. It's the anticipation of seeing our creations take flight for the first time. It's the thrill of capturing stunning aerial vistas that were once out of reach. It's the satisfaction of solving complex engineering challenges and turning them into elegant solutions.

But it's not just about us. It's about sharing this excitement with you. We want to ignite that spark of curiosity, the same spark that led us to this project. We want to see your eyes light up as your drone hovers gracefully in the sky. We want to hear your stories of the places you've explored and the images you've captured.

Join Us on This Aerial Odyssey

So, whether you're a budding engineer, a tech enthusiast, or simply someone who craves adventure, this project is for you. Together, we'll embark on a journey that promises to be as exhilarating as the skies themselves.

Get ready to elevate your dreams, and let's make them take flight!

This introduction highlights the passion and excitement behind your drone-making project, inviting others to share in the adventure. Feel free to personalize it further to align with your specific goals and aspirations for the project.

The team consists of 6 members group:

Subham Roy (Team Leader and Software): As the team leader, Subham takes charge of overall project coordination. He specializes in software development, ensuring that the drone's programming and control systems are top-notch.

Devabrata Shil (Circuit Designer): Devabrata's expertise lies in circuit design. He's responsible for creating and reviewing the drone's electrical and electronic systems, ensuring they function correctly.

Krittika Dutta and Shreyosi Adhyapak (Design and Aerodynamics): Krittika and Shreyosi focus on the drone's design, aerodynamics, and balance. They work to optimize the drone's physical structure for stability and performance.

Subhrodeep Hazra and Rajrup Guha Sardar (Budget and Components): Subhrodeep and Rajrup handle the project's budgeting and component selection. They're responsible for finding cost-effective alternatives while ensuring quality components are used.

Want to know:More about Each Member:

Building a Drone: From Concept to Flight – A Comprehensive Project Model:


Video (Part1):

Video (Part2):


Done 1/4th of the connections:

Coding for ESC Calibration:

This part takes 2days for re-writing the coding... As I don't consider the Memory available of aurdino and the processing power.... Code is to large... Hence optimising the code....

Complete Circuit:

*After each test, we diligently identify and address any issues, fine-tune the circuits, and refine our code.

Test 2 [Aurdino 1 burned due to large current flow]:

*By using a diode, we successfully eliminated the issue of backward current flow.

Test 4: 
*When the old motor's magnets weaken, it can impact its performance. The rotor in the motor is made of permanent magnets, while the stator contains a coil arrangement. By supplying DC power to the coil, the stator becomes an electromagnet.

Test 17:
*At this point, our circuit is functioning correctly. However, significant changes are required in the code. We need to optimize the code and implement the use of pin interrupts.

Test 18:
* Incorporating a PID controller into the code, filtering noise from the MPU 6050, and tuning the PID values for this drone are essential steps in enhancing its stability and flight performance

Now covering the Circuits with a box for secure connections:

Fine-Tuning the Drone: Demystifying PID Control:

How Drone view looks like:

Finally we Got:

Full Video:

Aurdino code:

Setup Code: Optimisation is under process (First Upload this Code to Aurdino) 😥 
ESC Calibrate code:  Still under construction (First Upload this Code to Aurdino)
Open serial motinor at: 57600 baud

//r = print receiver signals.
//a = print quadcopter angles.
//1 = check rotation / vibrations for motor 1 (right front CCW).
//2 = check rotation / vibrations for motor 2 (right rear CW).
//3 = check rotation / vibrations for motor 3 (left rear CCW).
//4 = check rotation / vibrations for motor 4 (left front CW).
//5 = check vibrations for all motors together.

Flight controller Code: Will be shared (This Code will not Work without uploading the setup Code)

Done 👍 Ready To Fly 🙌

Aurdino IDE: Download  (For Code Upload)

Other items will be published soon...

I am preparing for the placement and other projects once done I will upload the code. Keep an EYE 😊 
